Leak Detection and Repair

With many facilities recently being required to implement an LDAR program. A lot of folk have elected to manage their program in house. K&K Services Inc. has assisted several facilities in setting up their program. We determine which process vessels and piping are regulated or required to be included in your program, tag and identify all applicable components and inspection points, and set up their database. From there K&K Services Inc. provides continued support, periodic audits and follow-up a

Weather you have an established program or have recently been required to implement one. We will ensure you are in complete compliance. From regulation interpretation, tag and identify, method 21 and AVO inspections, database management, leak repair, program maintenance and compliance reporting K&K Services Inc. will provide a level of service and attention to details that is second to none in the industry.

Once it is determined which process vessels and piping are regulated or required to be included in your program, those components associated with those vessels must be physically tagged and every inspection point must be identified. We will hang the ID tags and “write-up” the required information for each inspection point so data can up have saved to your database. A big part of having a solid program and staying in compliance is having an accurate inventory of what’s in the field. Keeping that

Maintaining a perfect database is a pillar of a compliant LDAR program. K&K Services Inc. can set up, and maintain your database as well as providing all your compliance reporting on a schedule that suits your needs.